12 Novices Took Their First Profession at Mount Bosco Padivayal    

The Salesian Province of Bangalore celebrated a momentous event with the first profession of 12 Salesian novices at Mount Don Bosco, Padivayal, yesterday. The theme, “Yours Alone, Jesus,” captured the essence of the occasion, reflecting the deep spiritual commitment of twelve brothers who made their first profession of vows, dedicating their lives to the Salesian Congregation.

Following the homily, each novice stepped forward to pronounce their vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, a profound moment that marked their official entry into the Salesian Congregation. Family, friends, and members of the Salesian Congregation gathered to witness and support the brothers.

The ceremony, imbued with spiritual fervor and profound significance, marked a significant milestone in their journey as they wholeheartedly dedicated themselves to the service of God and humanity, guided by the teachings of Don Bosco and the enduring legacy of Mary Help of Christians. As the twelve brothers embark on their journey within the Salesian congregation , they carry with them the prayers and support of their families and the broader community.

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