Children’s day celebrated in DB Palluruthy

Children’s day was celebrated in the various centres of Don Bosco, Palluruthy on 13th & 14th November. On the first day various cultural competitions were conducted in the centres; also for the Bosco KIDS, children from around Don Bosco,
On 14th all the children from the various centres of Don Bosco were taken to WONDERLA for a day of fun & frolic. As soon as the children reached the venue they were given WONDERLA T-Shirt & a cap. In the afternoon they were provided with delicious chicken biriyani. Though the weather was not so cooperative especially in the morning hours, the children thoroughly enjoyed the day. At the end of the day all were given a gift packet each.
Meanwhile all the Bosco KIDS gathered in Don Bosco Psycho-Social Centre to complete the cultural competitions. They had competitions in dancing, letter writing, poem recitation etc. Chief Guests were: Education and Sports standing Committee chairperson of Kochi Corporation – Shri Sreejith and Ward Councillor: Laila Das. They gave the prizes for the winners; and also school materials were distributed to 200 children who are members of Bosco KIDS.

Fr. Binny Kumpukal SDB

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