DBSB Palluruthy Celebrates Christmas

After a gap of more than two years, children from the various centres DBSB Palluruthy (Don Bosco Boys Home, Don Bosco Nilaya, Sneha Bhavan, Valsalya Bhavan,Valsalya Bhavan Annex) gathered together for the first time; that too around the Baby Jesus for Christmas celebrations. They gathered at Sneha Bhavan in the evening of 19th December.  Rector, Fr. PD Thomas opened the Beautiful Crib prepared by the children of Sneha Bhavan

Fr. Jose Pathickal, Director, Sneha Bhavan welcomed everyone. Rector, Fr. PD Thomas delivered Christmas message.

Highlight of the day was the colourful cultural programme put up by the Children from the various centres, ably compered by Bros. Christy  & Lijo. The programme came to an end with the vote of thanks by Fr. CM Joseph.

Sharing of Sumptuous Christmas Dinner was the fitting conclusion to the day’s event.

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