Feast of Don Bosco and the Renewal of the promises of Cooperators at Lingarajapuram

The Feast of Don Bosco, and the renewal of the promises by the Salesian Co-operators  was preceded by a Concelebrated Trilingual mass presided over by Frs. C.P Varghese SDB,  Jude Joseph SDB and Aloysius Santiago SDB. During the homily both in Kannada and English, Fr Aloysius said that Don Bosco was an educator right from his childhood days onwards. He educated the boys integrally not leaving any area of their life. He also said Don Bosco as an educator is relevant even today because the times in which we are now has a similar situation that existed during the time of industrial revolution. He urged the people to go out of their comfort zones, go far away to the peripheries in order to set people and youngsters free   from their bondages through Don Bosco’s education method-the preventive system. This he could accomplish because of his zeal towards the Blessed Sacrament, the devotion towards our blessed mother and the notion of the ever abiding presence of God in his life.  Fr. James elucidated about the strenna calling on people to do all things like Don Bosco with love and not with constraints, with kindness and not by harshness.

The Salesian Co-operators renewed their promises, the Parish Priest the local delegate prayed that the Lord who had begun this good work in them continue to  assist them to remain faithful to the promises and carry out the legacy of Don Bosco’s education model.

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