Perpetual Profession of Bro. Hrudayaraj Kantharaj at Don Bosco Tumkur

Tumkur: Bro. Hrudayaraj Kantharaj made his perpetual profession on 23rd May 2022 at Don Bosco Tumkur. Fr. Jose Koyickal, provincial of the salesian province of Bangalore was the main celebrant and received the perpetual vows of Bro. Hrudayaraj. Fr. Shalbin, Vice Provincial and nearly 20 priests concelebrated the solemn Holy Eucharist. The family members of the cleric were also present for the joyous occasion.  Fr. Steven Lawrance in his homily asked the perpetually professed cleric to thank God for the gift of vocation he has received. He thanked the parents of the perpetually professed for offering their son to God and to the Church. The entire ceremony came to an end with a fellowship meal.  

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