PADIVAYAL: The First Profession of the Novices was held at Mount Don Bosco, Padivayal on 24th May 2022 at 09.30 am. The Solemn Celebration was presided over by the Provincial of the Sacred Heart Province, Bangalore, Rev. Fr. Jose Thomas Koyickal SDB. In the Solemn ceremony 13 novices, 9 from the province of Bangalore and 4 from the province of New Delhi were presented by Rev. Fr. Benjamin Pampackel, Rector and Novice Master to the Provincial and were professed to be Salesians of Don Bosco. Rev. Fr. Shalbin Kalanchery, the Vice-Provincial, the Salesians, Religious, Benefactors, well-wishers and parents and relatives of the Novices witnessed the event.

Fr. Sanil SDB

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