Meaningful celebrations on the Canonization of St. Artemide Zatti at Don Bosco Provincial House

Circa 200 members of Salesian Family gathered at Don Bosco Provincial House to celebrate the canonisation of Bro. Artemide Zatti on 9 October 2022. The Holy Eucharist was presided by Fr. S Jayanathan,the VG of the archdiocese of Bangalore with another 20 priests concelebrating with him along with the members of Salesian Family (SDB, FMA, SMI, MSMHC, ASC, Past pupils and Youth). Fr. KC Sebastian welcomed the gathering and spoke about the reason for this celebration.

There was short presentation of St. Zatti after the mass. Fr. Gilbert presented life of Zatti with the help of Catechism Children of Don Bosco Church, Lingarajapuram using placards. FMA sisters presented the life of Zatti with the help of a Dance-Drama. Later, Bro. Chacko, the only brother of the day was honoured by Fr. Jayanathan with a shawl and Mysore Petta. Mr. Glen Brass thanked the organisers. There was a fellowship tea after the event. As the participants were leaving, they were busy taking selfie with Zatti outside the façade of the Don Bosco House, where life-size figure was there with his cycle! The girls from Don Bosco Church compered the programme. There were a dozen Zattis dressed to be present during the event to demonstrate during the presentation. Fr. Gilbert Choondal SDB, the delegate of Salesian Family of INK was the chief organiser. Brothers from KJC under the able guidance of Fr. Maria Vivek helped in the choir. 

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