Don Bosco ICSE School, Chirtradurga inaugurates Aquaponics Project 2022-23

The Aquaponics Project, a model to educate students about organic farming, was inaugurated at Don Bosco ICSE School, Chitradurga. on February 27, 2023, by Rev. Fr. John Paul, the Director of Chitra Don Bosco, in the presence of Rev. Fr. Martin Vijay, the Principal of Don Bosco ICSE School.

The project of Aquaponics is the best opportunity provided to the students of classes 9 and 10 to inculcate practical knowledge for life. It aims to inculcate among the students the spirit of planning and execution in a team with a specific purpose to achieve.

The project is a combination of aquaculture and hydroponic agriculture, which stimulates the growth of both fishes and plants in the same area of land producing organic plants and healthier fishes.

Fr. John Paul SDB congratulated the students and the teachers in charge for bringing this project to successful completion.

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