CHITHRA Don Bosco Empowers Child Rights Club Leaders in Sira with Training Workshop on Leadership and Child Protection

On 16th June 2023 CHITHRA Don Bosco, Chitradurga under the collaboration of BREADS, Bangalore conducted one day training workshop for the leaders of Child Rights Club at Govt. Junior College (High School Division), Sira, Tumkur (Dist). The programme inaugurated through watering the sapling by all the dignitaries. Rev. Fr. Steven Lawrence SDB (Director of CHITHRA Don Bsoco, Chitradurga), Mr. Arun Kumar (BRP, Sira), Mrs. Jayalakshmi (Vice-Principal, Govt. Junior College, Sira), Mr. Manjunath (Assistant teacher) who adorned the stage as the guests. Assistant teachers, Mr. Neelappa (Resource person, CHITHRA Don Bosco), Mrs. Mahanthesh & Mr. ArunKumar (CREAM staff of CHITHRA Don Bosco) and 60 students were present for the same.
Fr. Steven addressed the children and called to build a better society through implementing good leadership qualities by seizing opportunities. Mr. Neelappa gave the information through the activities about the qualities of Leadership, Child Rights, Duties & Responsibilities of children. And also gave the information about Covenant of Child Rights, Laws and Acts of Child Protection and Child Help Line 1098.

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