Inauguration of the House System and Investiture Ceremony

The Inauguration of the house system and the investiture of the leaders for the academic year 2024-25 took place on 19th June, 2024 in the New School Auditorium. The ceremony began with the solemn march past of the School leaders and the Captains and Vice Captains of Various Houses. The children in their House Uniforms welcomed their leaders with thunderous applause. The Inauguration of the House System and the Investiture Ceremony was done by Mr. C A Francis, a Member of the School Commission of the Province of Bangalore and a former teacher of DBHSS Mannuthy.  In his address, citing the example of the 16th President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, he encouraged the students to be determined and hardworking. Fr. Joseph Elavanal in his presidential Address reminded the students to move out from their comfort zones and reach out to the needy people.

The inauguration was followed by the solemn oath taking by the Head Boy, Head Girl and the Captains and Vice Captains of various Houses. The chief Guest along with Fr. Joseph Elavanal adorned the leaders with their Sachets and Badges. It was followed by the oath taking ceremony by the Class leaders and Asst. Class leaders. Fr. Prince Puthanagady, the Vice Rector presented the badges to the Leaders, meanwhile Fr. Jilson Erikkattu, the Vice principal and Administrator presented the Badges to the Asst. Leaders. We were blessed with the presence and message by the PTA President Mr. Rinson Parakkatil.  It was followed by the splendid dance performances by the members of various houses. The DB Choir invoked the intercession of our Father and Founder St. John Bosco and saluted the nation by singing the National Anthem. The entire Programme came to a conclusion with the vote of thanks by Ms. Roopa, the Coordinator of the program.

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