NSS Camp Held in Kanchagarhalli Village, Yadgir

Don Bosco College Students Spread Awareness on Cleanliness and Education


A one-day NSS camp was organized in Kanchagarhalli village, Yadgir, on July 23, 2024, by the NSS unit of Don Bosco College Yadgir. The camp aimed to spread awareness about cleanliness, promote education, and address other social issues.

Around 50 student volunteers and NSS coordinator Mr. Sachin and other college faculty members from the college participated in the camp, demonstrating their enthusiasm for social service. The volunteers engaged in cleaning activities, including streets, public areas, and water bodies, and also organized a cultural programme to promote education and awareness about social issues.

The camp concluded with the lowering of the NSS flag, marking the end of a successful and enriching experience for the volunteers. The initiative was a significant step towards achieving the NSS motto of “Not Me, But You”.

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