Don Bosco Central School Manjeshwar organizes a truly splendid art festival

The Don Bosco Central School Art Festival was a vibrant celebration of creativity and talent, showcasing the artistic skills of our students, teachers, and community members. The event took place on 7th and 8th August and was a resounding success, attracting a large and enthusiastic audience.

  • Folk dance performances, highlighting the rich cultural heritage of the region
  • Fancy dress competitions, showcasing creativity and self-expression
  • Group dances, demonstrating teamwork and coordination
  • Painting and drawings speeches and solo singing featuring the artistic talents of the students
  • Sri. Yadav Badaje, the Standing Committee Chairman of Manjeshwar Panchayat and PTA president Mr. Naufal, graced the occasion as our esteemed guests
  • Fr. Michael, School Manager, addressed the gathering, inspiring the students with his words and the Principal Fr. Tomy Chirackal sdb, saw to the details of the arrangements.
  • The folk dance and Thiruvathirakali and Oppana performances were crowd favorites, with many attendees praising the energy and enthusiasm of the students
  • The fancy dress competition saw creative and imaginative costumes, showcasing the students’ innovative thinking
  • The painting exhibition and collage, pencils drawings of children were all visual treats, with many attendees admiring the talent and skill on display

The Don Bosco Central School Art Festival was a triumph, celebrating the artistic achievements of the school community. We extend our gratitude to Sri. Badge, Fr. Michael, participants, and organizers for their hard work and dedication.

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