NCC Cadets Soar, Lahari Vimuktha India Cleans Up, and Don Bosco Celebrates

In a day filled with inspiration and accomplishment, Don Bosco College Mannuthy witnessed the rise of its NCC cadets and the dedication of Lahari Vimuktha India towards a cleaner environment.

The NCC cadets’ ranking ceremony, held today, marked a significant milestone in their journey towards leadership and discipline. Principal Fr. Johnson Ponthempilly graced the occasion with his presence and provided invaluable guidance to the cadets. Fr. Jimmy’s exceptional coordination ensured the smooth execution of the event. The college expressed its deep gratitude to all colleagues whose support made the ceremony truly memorable.

Adding to the day’s significance was the active participation of Lahari Vimuktha India in cleaning up the local waterways. Their commitment to environmental conservation serves as an inspiration to all.

The college’s social media channels echoed the day’s highlights with the hashtags #NCC, #Leadership, #CleanIndia, #Kerala, and #Inspiration.

The event served as a testament to the holistic development fostered at Don Bosco College Mannuthy, where students are encouraged to excel not only in academics but also in character and service to the community.

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