The Social Service Guild of KJC colorfully organizes its annual Patriotic Dance Competition

August 11, 2024 had the campus of KJC reverberating with joyous sounds of children from the ten centres of the SSG [Social Service Guild] who had gathered for the annual Patriotic Dance Competition organized annually by the SSG. The event brought together ten teams of children from various urban slum areas around the college, representing nearly 400 young participants eager to perform and give tribute to the nation on its 78th year of independence. The aim of the competition was to foster a spirit of patriotism and community among the children, as well as to provide a platform for them to showcase their talents in traditional Indian dance.

            Rev. Fr. Joseph Thoompanal CMF, Vice Principal of St. Claret College and assistant parish priest of St. Thomas Forane Church, Jalahalli—the chief guest of the day—rivetted the audience with an awesome message challenging all to foster unity and patriotism by being in the first-place good human beings. Fr Bosco Ponthokkan, the Rector and Fr Mahimai Dass, Dean were the other guests of honour.

            The first-year students of theology, along with the project coordinator went out of their way and left no stone unturned to make the event a truly memorably one. The SSG teachers and numerous volunteers, contributed to the vibrant atmosphere of the day. Each team performed a traditional dance representing a different aspect of Indian culture and patriotism. The energy and passion of the children were palpable, and their performances were met with loud applause and appreciation from the audience. The competition took place on a beautifully designed stage, featuring a fabulous backdrop that depicted iconic scenes of India’s diverse cultural heritage. This setting added to the grandeur of the event, making it a memorable experience for everyone involved. Mr. Arjun represented the Federal Bank and Mr. Vinay and Mrs. Shaily represented the Salesian Cooperators, while Mrs. Shaily also along with Srs. Anshu and Bini judged the competition. The entire event was covered by Mr. Santhosh, an IT talent supply chain leader and a professional photographer.

            Snacks and lunch were provided to keep everyone refreshed and energized. Federal Bank and the Salesian Cooperators, with their generous contributions made this event grand. Their support was instrumental in providing the necessary resources and facilities for the children and the audience. The competition came to close with team Jyotinagar bagging the first place and the ever-rolling trophy, team Swathantra Nagar, the second place and team Anandapura, the third place.

            The Patriotic Dance Competition was not just a celebration of culture and dance but also a testament to the spirit of community and togetherness. The Social Service Guild is proud to have hosted such an enriching event and looks forward to organizing more activities that bring joy and learning to young people of our community.

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