A faithful Salesian Shepherd Fr. Devasia Punnakunnel SDB passes away to his eternal reward

With deep sorrow, the Salesians of the Province of Bangalore, announce the passing away of our dear confrere Rev. Fr. Devasia Punnakunnel SDB (90) this afternoon at 12.50 p.m. in Mamma Margaret Home, Aluva.

A requiem Holy Mass was be celebrated at 6.45 a.m. on Monday, 12 September 2022 at Don Bosco, Aluva by Rev. Fr. Joy Kaipan with the homily preached by Rev. Fr. Provincial. The funeral service was held at 2.00 p.m. at Don Bosco Bhavan, Mannuthy where Fr. Provincial presided over the proceedings and Fr. Antony Vailatt preached the homily. The funeral was well represented by Salesians from all over the province and representatives from various parishes and institutions he had served. The service concluded with his mortal remains laid to rest in the cemetery at Don Bosco Bhavan Mannuthy.

Fr Devasia was remembered with much love and fondness during the funeral service. Fr. Antony Vialatt spoke in the homily, alluding to various humorous instances from the life of Fr. Devasia, of how his simplicity, sense of humour and Salesianity was at the fore front of whatever he did. His fidelity to small things was truly remarkable. Fr. Tom Kuzhipala in the conclusion of the Eucharist spoke about the final days of Fr. Devasia and of how he was calm and peaceful and in a certain sense ready to meet his Maker for whom he had dedicated his entire life. Fr. Devasia’s family were appreciative of the care that the Salesians had taken of Fr. Devasia especially during the last few days and the preparation for the funeral. Fr. Provincial highlighted his experiences with Fr. Devasia and how a true Salesian in his attitudes and values.

We pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Devasia and to Fr. Devasia that he intercede for us to mirror his example in our own lives.

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