Don Bosco Aluva is an institute of immediate Post-novitiate Formation and the Studentate of Philosophy of the Salesian Province of Bangalore
  • Diocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly
  • Establishment Year 1981
  • Formation House

Don Bosco College, Aluva, which initially began in 1981 as a Centre of Pre-novitiate Formation is currently functioning as the Studentate of Philosophy of the Salesian Province of Bangalore (From May 24, 1995). The institute offers a regular two-year course in philosophy. Salesian students belonging to other provinces are offered residence. The college is also open to students from other Religious Orders and Congregations.

The philosophical formation, through its interdisciplinary and integrated curriculum of studies at Don Bosco College, offers a congenial atmosphere for the study of Religion, Philosophy, and Humanities fostering integral intellectual formation with spiritual growth and pastoral effectiveness. The students are offered opportunities to develop their talents and potentialities.

The institute also extends to the resident students abundant opportunities for pastoral work and experience like teaching Catechism in Parishes, doing social work in villages, and initiating welfare programs for the less privileged in society.

Our Activities

Don Bosco Keezhmadu,
Erumathala P.O.
Aluva – 683 112

(0484) 263.03.30 (House)

(0484) 298.44.70(Rector)

(0484) 263.01.60 (Parish Priest)

House :

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Youth center membership day Inauguration 2024-25 at Don Bosco Seminary Aluva

  • --17 August 2024 --

Today the 15th of August 2024, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed V Read More

Don Bosco Seminary, Aluva Celebrates Pope’s Day with Solemn Mass and Symposium on World Peace

  • --02 July 2024 --

Today, 29th June 2024, we celebrated the Pope’s Day at Don Bosco Seminary, Al Read More

Inauguration of the academic year 2024-25 at Don Bosco College, Aluva

  • --02 June 2024 --

The inauguration of the Academic Year 2024-25 commenced with a Holy Eucharistic Read More

Graduation Ceremony of Philosophy Students at Don Bosco Seminary, Aluva

  • --23 March 2024 --

Don Bosco Seminary radiated an air of solemnity and joy as it hosted the gradua Read More

Membership Day at Don Bosco, Aluva

  • --03 September 2023 --

Don Bosco Youth Centre at Keezhmadu, Aluva, celebrated the membership day on Se Read More