BOSCO Bengaluru organizes Foster Care Training for Project Partners

Foster Care Programme, BOSCO Bengaluru, organized training for Project Partners, Social Mobilizers, and NGO Supporting Staff at BOSCO Yuvodaya, Bengaluru, on June 25, 2022. The program started with a prayer dance by the children of BOSCO Vatsalya Bhavan, followed by the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries. 

In his address, Mr. Ramu, Chairperson, Child Welfare Committee, Bengaluru Rural, shared his work experience as a social worker in Don Bosco Tumkur and expressed his belief that institutionalization should be the last resort for children. Hemanth, Member, Child Welfare Committee, Bengaluru Urban, commended BOSCO for pioneering the Foster Care Program in Karnataka and said that family plays a key role in every child’s life. Deepu, Assistant Director, BREADS, Bengaluru, stated that every child should grow up in a family. 

Fr. Varghese Pallipuram, Executive Director of BOSCO Bengaluru, explained the foster care journey of BOSCO from 2012, including the current status of the children, major activities, challenges, and future plans. Mr. John Joshua Nirmal, Hub Coordinator, HLK Programme, presented Home Link Child Miss documentation. Mr. Shivamallu, State Coordinator, BOSCO Foster Care Program, presented the statistical data and placement of the children over the past year.

Post lunch, Ms. Jincy Thomas, Project Coordinator, Children Development and Family Impact Network (CDFIN), led the session through an activity on how childhood trauma can affect a child. Ms. Karen Grace Paul, Founder and Director of Child Development and Family Impact Network (CDFIN), conducted a session on Trauma and Child Development. Social Mobilizers presented the challenges and achievements of the foster care programme being implemented in the ten districts of Karnataka. A booklet, ‘The Journey of Foster Care – A Bird’s Eye View,’ was also released during the programme. 

Mr. Shivamallu, State Coordinator, welcomed the participants, and Mr. Ramaswamy, Outreach Officer, BOSCO Bengaluru, proposed the vote of thanks. Thirty-five members from the ten Districts of Karnataka participated in the training. 

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