Bosco Youth Hospet celebrates Membership Day 2022

Bosco Youth, Hospet, under the guidance of Fr Santhosh, the Animatior, organized the Membership Day on August 28, 2022.

The day started with the registration of the youth, and 48 young people took the membership this year. Later, Fr Uday, the Regional Youth Director, Karnataka, started with an ice-breaker session for the youth to get to know each other. Post the ice-breaker session, Fr Santhosh, the Local Animator, held the orientation. During his session, he spoke about Don Bosco, how Don Bosco encouraged the youngsters, about the job roles of the leaders and gave information about how this Salesian Youth Movement works.

After the session, the youth were made into five groups to discuss and plan for the upcoming events. After the group discussion, the election was held, in which the following members were elected for the respective roles: Stephen (President), Jessi (Vice President), Chethana (Secretary), Kavya (Joint Secretary), Varun (Treasurer), Karthik (Media Correspondence), Kiran (Boy Representative) and Joyce (Girl Representative).

After the election, the inauguration was held in which the Rector of the Community, Rev. Fr. Roshan, and the Regional Youth Director, Karnataka, Fr Uday, were the Chief Guests. Fr Roshan led the Oath for the Members and Fr Uday led the Oath for the newly elected leaders. The day concluded with lunch.

We also congratulate the new Rector of the Community and the new Regional Youth Director, Karnataka.

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