Bosco Youth Membership day at CHITRA Don Bosco

CHITHRA Don Bosco Chitradurga under the collaboration of Bosco Youth Chitradurga and Bosco Youth Karnataka organized a Membership Day program on August 27, 2023, at CHITHRA Don Bosco Chitradurga. Miss Vaishali, a Bosco youth leader, conducted the program presentation. The meeting began with a prayer song by Miss. Arpita. A warm welcome accorded by Miss. Renuka. The programme inaugurated through watering a plant by all the dignitaries who adorned the stage. Rev.Fr. Steven L SDB, the Coordinator of Bosco Youth Chitradurga, delivered the introductory speech during which he said that all young men & women should seize the opportunities which are available to them and strive to be role models while aiding fellow youth.

Addressing the gathering, Rev. Fr. Varghese, the Karnataka Kerala State Provincial Youth Representative, Bengaluru, highlighted the presence of 20 to 25 youth groups in Karnataka and told them to make the most of the opportunities within these groups.

Rev. Fr. Joe assured the youth of providing free higher education and job opportunities to members of the Bosco Youth Group.

Rev. Fr. Uday who presided over the program, encouraged attendees to transcend their self-interest and contribute meaningfully to society through impactful programs. Then the selection of new Bosco Youth members through election was done.

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