Christmas Celebrations at Don Bosco ITI, KGF

If Christmas is a season of true joy, then for sure, that was the experience of those who took part in the Christmas celebrations organized for the neighbourhood of Don Bosco ITI KGF on December 18, 2022, at 6.30 p.m.

The community invited all the collaborators who make their daily life possible, such as the grocers, the butcher, the milkman, the nurse and the like. The Rector gave the words of introduction, and Fr. K.V. Sebastian, the Parish Priest, delivered the Christmas message using magic as a medium. Fr. Dinesh, the Dean, prepared a lovely Christmas Carol with the help of the hostellers. Br. Jaison, the assistant, exhibited his mimicry skills. The neighbourhood also put up a dance to add colour to the occasion.

There were altogether 80 participants in this programme. We distributed prizes for the competitions held during the children’s day.

The Christmas celebrations with the neighbourhood concluded with the distribution of cakes and coffee for all those who participated and a sumptuous dinner for the collaborators at our dining hall.

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