College day celebrations at Kristu Jyoti College

November 5th was a remarkable day for Kristu Jyoti College, not only because it was Deepawali, but also because Kristu Jyoti College celebrated its college day. The day began with a meaningful and solemn Holy Eucharistic celebration in Kritu Jyoti College Chapel at 09:00 AM. The Holy Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Rev. Fr. Thottumkal Shabu (Principal of Kristu Jyoti College), along with Fr. James Kadankavil, Fr. Mahimai Dass, Fr. Alex Kalathikattil, Fr. Vargese Kapplikunnel and other staff and students.
Fr. Shabu acknowledged the contributions of the past professors and students of KJC who passed away the previous year and prayed for them. A meaningful homily on Jesus the true light of the world indeed added meaning to the celebration. The Holy Eucharistic celebration ended at 10:10 AM. Soon after the Holy Eucharistic celebration, there was a coffee break, followed by the Acedemic session and cultural programme in the college auditorium.
Rev. Dr. Thottumkal Shabu SDB, Principal of KJC, welcomed the gathering by beautifully explaining the meaning of the name of the college and the reason behind organizing the college day on Deepawali (the festival of light), as he said; “Kristu Jyoti means the light of Christ and that is the reason the college day is organized on Deepawali, the feast of the light.”
Rev. Dr. Kadankavil James SDB, Rector of KJC as well as Rev. Dr. Kalathikattil Alex SDB, Rector of Visvadeep, in their messages stressed on the theme, ‘Jesus the light of the world’. Fr. Alex quoted from the Gospel according to St. John, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” (Jn 1:5), and said, “He is the light that enlightens the every night for every one…Jesus is the light that expels the darkness of the evil spirit.”
The chief guest of the day was Rev. Dr. Paul Achandy CMI, who in his address stressed the supremacy of God and his merciful love and care for the Church like a good shepherd, by referring to the present context, where human beings are more powerful than ever before, but during the pandemic situation of Corona, when the lives of the people are upside down and all the powers of doctors and scientists have failed, in such situation of difficulty, uncertainty and helplessness God incarnates, as was the case in the time of the birth of Jesus Christ and his earthly life. He also in his address acknowledged the contributions of Salesians especially in the area of accompaniment of the youth and concluded his speech by wishing the institute all the very best for their future ministry.
After the keynote address of the Chief guest the cultural programme started. The cultural programme was beautifully prepared by the students of Kristu Jyoti College. The programmes with their varieties were so colourful, entertaining and meaningful that they multiplied the joys of the day. KJC Publications also released two books on this occasion. At the end Dc. Chandra Mohan SDB proposed the vote of thanks in which he thanked all who were instrumental in the organisation of the College Day 2021.

Report by
Fr. Arohit Kujur, S.J.

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