Diaconate Ordination at Kristu Jyoti College, Bengaluru

As the dulcet tune of immense joy and gratitude hovered in the campus of Kristu Jyoti College, the faithful gathered in prayer and joy for the diaconal Ordination of the 19 clerics; fourteen belonging to the Salesian Congregation, two of the Passionist Congregation, one belonging to the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts Congregation and one to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Congregation.

The entire congregation prayed for the candidates to be anointed by the Holy Spirit to carry out their ministry as deacons. The rite to the ordination took place during the solemn Holy Eucharist at 10 am presided over by Most. Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, DD, the Archbishop of Bengaluru. His grace invited the congregation to pray that the ordained ministers may bear witness to Christ through their life of fidelity and commitment to God and to the people of God. The Archbishop emphasized the role of the ordained deacons in the church in his homily. They are; to preach the Word of God, to assist at the altar of the Lord and to engage in charitable ministry to the poor and the marginalized. The order of diaconate is the order of service, the order of humility and the order of complete being available for the others added the Archbishop. After the homily, His Grace prayed over them and laid hands upon them as an effective sign by which the Holy Spirit will fashion the depths of their hearts the image of Christ the deacon.

The presence of Rev. Fr. Jose Koyickal, the Provincial of Bangalore Province, Rev. Fr. Kuruvichiara Jose, the Provincial of Dimapur, Rev. Fr. Agilan Sarprasadam, the Provincial of Tiruchy, Rev. Fr. Shalbin Kalanchery,the Vice Provincial, Rev. Fr. Joy Nedumpurath, the Economer and the superiors of the other congregations embellished the occasion. The Kristu Jyoti College was packed with more than 80 priests and 350 faithful including religious and relatives of the deacons to pray for them. The newly ordained deacon Gabriel Kumar Charles voiced the sentiments of gratitude on behalf of the newly ordained deacons at the end of the Holy Eucharist. The diaconate ordination concluded with a solemn lunch. The community wished the deacons God’s choicest blessings in their ministry and keep them always in His love.

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