Don Bosco Church, Lingarajapuram initiates Sunday Catechesis with novel changes

Don Bosco Church at Lingarajapuram initiated the Sunday Catechesis with a lot of novelties on 12 June 2022. Fr. Jose Koottyanickal SDB, the parish priest, addressed the children and catechists at the inaugural function. The inaugural ceremony was marked by lighting the four pillars of faith which are crucial to the content of Sunday Catechesis. Fr. Gilbert, Coordinator of Sunday Catechesis, explained the meaning and purpose of the four pillars of faith. The inaugural ceremony also included the Oath of Faith led by Ms. Kateline, one of the students.

“Sunday Catechesis is not given much importance by families or children due to various reasons. We are going to integrate Sunday Catechesis with not just study and exams alone, but fun with faith, Faith-games, pilgrimages, Bible Project Activities, Homework sheet cards etc. for children,” said Fr. Gilbert in his address to the children on the first day of the Sunday Catechesis.

This year Don Bosco Church has introduced distinct and different textbooks for each class that range from grade I to XII. Presently, there are about 250 children. “In a parish of a minimum of 1000 families, we should have a minimum of 500 children during Sunday Catechesis,” reminded Fr. Gilbert as he suggested to the children to bring their companions to the Catechesis. There are about 25 catechists who volunteered to collaborate in this mission of faith formation at Don Bosco Church. An orientation session was conducted for them by Fr. Gilbert before the initiation of the Sunday catechesis at Don Bosco Church. The catechists will continue to attend a training programme every first Saturday of the month.  

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