NDTV Covers Don Bosco College Bengaluru’s Say Yes To Trees Initiative

Don Bosco College, Bengaluru, in collaboration with the Good Quest Foundation, have been planting tree saplings in the fringe areas of the BR Wildlife Sanctuary for the past two years under the “Say Yes To Trees” initiative.

With the message of “Plant Trees, Save Forests”, volunteers from Don Bosco College, Bengaluru and Good Quest Foundation, along with the children from the tribal hamlet of Jiddigere, have been regularly watching the saplings and caring for and protecting them until they grow into healthy trees.

The initiative which was covered by NDTV, highlights the commitment of Don Bosco College, Bengaluru, towards the task of promoting afforestation and making Earth a greener planet. The purpose of “Say Yes To Trees” is to plant trees and saplings around the forest fringes to prevent soil erosion, land encroachment and animal-man conflicts by creating green corridors around the fringes of the forest through mass afforestation measures.

YouTube Link: ‘Say Yes To Trees, An Initiative To Plant Trees And Save Forests” -https://youtu.be/2X5bINPsJoE

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