Don Bosco Global Education takes off with flying colours

Don Bosco Palakkad has turned the new leaf altogether with initiatives standing up to the signs of the times and the needs of the youth. With the first batches of German students enrolling for the language academy on the 4th and 11th of July with a formidable full capacity, the third batch begins on the 25th with admissions already filled and closed. The fourth batch, yet to begin on the 1st of August, is already pre-booked, and it is already a hue and cry for further major investment for greater development. There is absolutely no room available to accommodate more students in or around the campus. Don Bosco Global Education is proving to be a success story well within the very first month of its inception.

The Language Academy is one of the many verticals of Don Bosco Global Education at Palakkad. With professional and high-end training in a fully Salesian residential ambience, with a capacity of 125 inmates accommodated in AC rooms, the campus brims with colour, vigour and tenacity for the career growth of the youth. Giving wings to their dreams and empowering them with the best know-how for a life abroad, the centre has become the haven of German language learning. With native Germans residing on the campus, the thrust for the best education and holistic personality moulding finds no parallels in the scenario. Don Bosco Palakkad is rewriting history and marching forward.

Holding breath for the other verticals to be declared soon, Don Bosco Global Education is aiming to empower local institutions with the power to invest, improve, and be always relevant to the people according to the needs of the hour. With a win-win modality immersed in joy and optimism, the venture is anchoring every phase with wide networks, credible association and global connectivity.

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