Don Bosco Mithra School Bangalore celebrates its First Anniversary

It was a red letter day at Don Bosco Mithra School, Bangalore, as it completed its one year anniversary on August 26, 2022. A Don Bosco School in the city of Bangalore was a long cherished dream of many of the Confreres of the Province. That dream has become a reality, and through this Don Bosco School, the education apostolate of Don Bosco is spreading in the city of Bangalore.

Don Bosco and the relevance of his education in today’s world was proven with the number of new admissions that came in the very first academic year of our taking over the management of the school. The total strength of the school at the time of taking over was 62 (From Kindergarten up to 10th Standard). Divisions like 5th Standard and 7th Standard had no students at all. The current strength of the school is 388. A journey from 62 to the present strength is concrete proof of Don Bosco’s constant intercession and reward for the hard work put in by the Confreres.

With the support of the Province and of the Benefactors we were able to set up a Computer Lab, Library, Science Lab and AV Hall. The building was repainted, a child-friendly play area was created, and a child-friendly KG classrooms for the KG students were made. A toilet wing adjacent to the school is nearing completion which will further increase the confidence of the parents in us as it was a felt necessity.

This school located at Horamavu – TC Playa Main Road is in a strategic place where a lot of poor as well as other categories of people are still in need of quality education. The school has a total of 25,000 square feet area with a building, a basketball court and a facade. The building has 15 classrooms and other vacant areas which are now used as school office, science lab, audio-visual room etc.

The school is taking good shape. There are several milestones to be achieved to get into the Don Bosco style of running the school. Please continue to support this mission through your valuable prayers.

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