Don Bosco Palluruthy inaugurates DB GiFT Programme Season 3
Season 3 of the DB GIFT programme had a colourful beginning in Don Bosco, Palluruthy, on the feast of St. Thomas. DB GiFT (Grow in Fullness, Together) is similar to the House System existing in our schools. The programme aims to enable children to grow together into self-reliant individuals who become valuable, fruitful and contributing citizens.
The programme started with a well-rehearsed March Past and oath-taking by the whole group and each House separately.
Fr. PD Thomas, Rector, made the inaugural speech and expressed his happiness that since its inception, the programme has enabled the children to grow into better persons and guided them to venture into better avenues to improve themselves.
Fr. Cherukunnel Joseph, the chief organiser of the programme, said in the welcome address that DB GiFT brings to the forefront the leadership qualities and organising capacities of the children.
Fr. Kainikunnel Rony emphasized on the vision of DB GiFT and exhorted the children that it is through being together that they can grow in fullness.