Don Bosco Social Service Centre Yadgir Launches Tailoring Course

The Don Bosco Social Service Centre in Yadgir inaugurated a tailoring course on 14th August 2024, aimed at empowering individuals with a valuable skill to support their families.

The course was inaugurated by Fr. Joy, Economer of the Bangalore Province, who praised Fr. Francis Shabu for his initiative in bringing this opportunity to the village. Fr. Joy emphasized the importance of self-sufficiency and commended the centre for its efforts in making a positive impact in the community.

Fr. Francis Shabu, Director of the Social Service Centre, gave the vote of thanks and expressed his gratitude to Fr. Joy and the participants.

Fr. Saji Anachalil, Rector and Manager of Don Bosco Institutions Yadgir, highlighted the significance of the course, stating, “Through this tailoring course, we aim to equip individuals with a skill that will enable them to become breadwinners for their families, thereby contributing to the overall well-being of the community.”

The tailoring course is set to benefit numerous individuals in the region, providing them with a means to gain financial independence and improve their quality of life. The initiative is a testament to the centre’s commitment to serving the community and fostering self-sufficiency.

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