Don Bosco Youth Centre Thope conducts Membership Day

Don Bosco Youth Centre, Thope, had its Membership Day for the Academic Year 2022-23 on August 14, 2022, at 3 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Rev. Fr. Stephen Mukkattil, Rector and Parish Priest, was the Chief Guest for the programme.

Fr. Stephen inaugurated the ceremony with the lighting of the lamp, and Fr. Jerin, the Director, welcomed everyone to the gathering and gave a glimpse of the activities at the centre. Sr. Annie FMA, the Animator, gave the felicitation talk.

Ms. Catherine, the Secretary read the report about the activities conducted last year, and it was unanimously passed by the gathering. The by-law of the Don Bosco Youth Services was read out for the information of everyone gathered.

Around 52 youngsters participated in the programme, and around 25 youngsters took new membership this year.

After some cultural programmes and games, the election of the new leaders for the current year was conducted. It was decided to keep 50 per cent representation each, for both males and females. The names were suggested and the election was conducted with a raising of hands, and a few members volunteered to take on certain responsibilities.

Mr. Prashanth was elected as the President and Ms. Ammu C. was elected as the Vice President. Ms. Jelset was elected as the Secretary, and Mr. Joel was elected as the Joint Secretary and Treasurer.

The elections were also conducted for the various wings such as the Arts Wing, Social Services Wing, Spiritual Wing, Sports Wing and the Media Wing. Josemon and Evaniya, Bichu Earnest and Jomol, Alphonse Antony and Susan Solly, Jencymol and Sharon Terance, Roselet Russo and Savio were elected to lead the Arts Wing, Media Wing, Sports Wing, Spiritual Wing and Social Service Wing, respectively.

The former leaders were thanked, and after some discussions regarding the upcoming events, the meeting concluded by 5.30 p.m.

On August 15, 2022, the Youth Centre members animated the Holy Eucharist for the Feast of the Assumption of Mother Mary, during which the oath-taking ceremony of the newly elected leaders and the incorporation of the new members was held.

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