Don Bosco Youth Centre, Vaduthala Membership Day 2022-2023

The membership day celebration started with the holy mass at 09.00am at Thattazham chapel. DBYC members took lead in organizing the holy mass. Fr. Saju Antony was the main celebrant. Fr. Shibu Davis & Fr. Kuriakose Shasthamkala concelebrated.

At 10.30 am they had the formal rally display from Fr. Francis Guesu memorial hall to the DBYC hall. The formal function began at 11.00am. Honorable Justice B Kemal Pasha, Rtd. Judge of High Court of Kerala was the chief guest of the day. The patriotic dance performed by the CLC members added colour and vitality to the programme. After the formal programme, the groups dispersed for election. A group photo session was organized with the newly elected leaders & animators immediately after the election. Solemn lunch for the central committee members followed. The first formal central committee meeting was held in the IYDC hall at 03.30pm. Sri. CJ Joseph & Sri Anooj PS were elected unanimously as the general secretary and joint general secretary of the youth center for the year 2022-2023. There are 679 registered members in the youth center at the moment.

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