Fostering Patriotism and Discipline: Don Bosco ICSE School’s Inaugural National NCC Day Commemoration

Don Bosco ICSE School for the very first time celebrated the National NCC Day on 27th of November. On the occasion of National NCC Day, our school orchestrated a memorable celebration, marking a significant chapter in the journey of our NCC cadets.
The Junior Division of the NCC consists of 17 cadets, while the Junior Wing has 8 cadets, making a total of 25. Classes are held on Saturdays from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm and on Sundays from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. The trainer’s name is Nafeesa.

The event kicked off with a reminiscent reflection on the cadets’ first day in school. It highlighted the growth and camaraderie developed since their initial footsteps in the educational institution in the academic year 2023-2024

A pivotal moment ensued with the distribution of NCC uniforms, symbolizing the cadets’ commitment to discipline and national service. The crisp uniforms created a sense of unity and pride among the NCC members. The celebration featured a special assembly conducted by NCC students. For many cadets, participating in the NCC program was a dream come true. The celebration acknowledged the hard work and dedication that transformed their aspirations into a reality, fostering a spirit of accomplishment and determination.

The grand finale included heartfelt wishes from the school’s principal Rev. Fr. Martin Vijay SDB, acknowledging the NCC cadets’ integral role in fostering a culture of discipline, leadership, and national pride within the school community. The principal’s words of encouragement added a touch of inspiration to the celebration.

In essence, the National NCC Day celebration served as a platform to reflect on the journey of the cadets, from their first day in school to the realization of their dreams through the NCC program. It was a testament to the school’s commitment to nurturing responsible and patriotic individuals.

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