Fr. Shiju Thomas Malayil Successfully Defends Doctoral Thesis on Salvation Outside the Church at Pontifical Gregorian University

On 15 May 2024, at 4 p.m., the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome witnessed the
doctoral defence of Fr. Shiju Thomas Malayil on the theme “Salvation Outside the Church: A
Theological Investigation into the Writings of Paul F. Knitter and Francis A. Sullivan.” The
doctoral research was conducted under the supervision of Prof. William Henn, a respected
professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Gregorian University and an expert in Ecumenism. In
his research, Fr. Shiju explored a wide range of theological perspectives, including the
evolution of the doctrine of salvation outside the Church, its historical origins, and its
reinterpretation in the contemporary era. His research included a detailed evaluation of key
theologians and magisterial councils. The doctoral candidate showcased his expertise in
various theological methods by comparing Sullivan’s notion of “Creative Fidelity” with
Knitter’s “Soteriocentric Approach”. His doctoral thesis explains how doctrines can evolve
without compromising their fundamental truth, grappling with Revelation and Tradition.
Prof. William Henn, the research guide, praised Fr. Shiju’s meticulous and disciplined work,
commenting that the thesis is a valuable resource for anyone studying the topic and a
significant contribution to theology. The second reader of the thesis, Prof. Joseph Xavier,
S.J., concluded his critical comments on the thesis by stating, “It is a well-structured and
excellent thesis.” Present at the solemn occasion were Fr. Ivo Coelho, the General Councilor
for Formation, and Frs. Jose Kuttiyanimattathil, Thomas Anchukandam, and Joyce
Thonikuzhiyil, the former provincials, Fr. José Aníbal Mendonça, the Provincial Superior of
UPS, along with many confreres, well-wishers, and friends of Fr. Shiju. In his closing
remarks, Fr. Shiju expressed gratitude to the congregation, the province, and everyone who
supported him both physically and spiritually during his academic journey. He considers that
his dissertation on salvation is not only a matter of intellectual pursuit or “research” but
something that touches one’s being: “a search”. Congratulations to the new doctor in
dogmatic theology!

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