Fr. Stefano Martoglio visits Don Bosco Institutions at Mannuthy

Don Bosco Mannuthy welcomed Fr. Stefano Martoglio SDB, Vicar General of the Salesians of Don Bosco, with a zealous spirit, on November 14, 2022. The Bosconians of DBHSS, Mannuthy, prepared a grand reception for the Vicar General, followed by a prayer song by the Bosconians from DBCS, Mannuthy.

Fr. Thomas Koonan, Rector & Manager of Don Bosco, Mannuthy, welcomed the gathering. Fr. Jose Koyickal, the Provincial, delivered the presidential address. Miss Bhavya Bijith (Head Girl, DBCS) and Master Issac Mathew (Head Boy, DBHSSM) shared their felicitation during the programme.

The group dance, theme dance and orchestra by the Bosconians from DBHSSM and DBCS offered a visual and musical treat to the gathering. The programme concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Mrs. Simi Jose (DBCS) and Bosco Rhythms by the Aspirants at Don Bosco Bhavan.

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