Highlights from the PALS Programme 2023: Nurturing Youth Leadership and Social Engagement at Don Bosco Provincial House, Bangalore

The Programme for Animators, Leaders, and Salesians (PALS) was held on the 10th September 2023 at Don Bosco Provincial House, Bangalore. It was organised in Don Bosco Youth Services in Karnataka, under the leadership of Fr. Uday Kumar, The Regional Youth Director of Karnataka.

There were 100 participants, 90 youth leaders and 10 animators representing 16 groups for the programme.

The programme was inaugurated by Fr. Sebastian Kudackat, Rector of the Don Bosco Provincial House, Bangalore at 9.30 a.m. Fr.  Santiago Aloysius, Zonal Youth Director of Hassan, gave a message. After the inauguration there was a short animation programme by Br. Balaswamy, Br. Sandesh, and Br. Arun.

Fr. Prasad, Director of Bosco Mane, led the first session at 10.00 a.m. on the topic “Youth and Social Action: Challenges and Possibilities” In which session he discussed the genuine difficulties that youngsters face among the new trends in the world.

After the tea break at 11.15 a.m., Fr. Binu Scaria, a former Youth Director for Kerala, who is currently a professor at Visvadeep, Bangalore led the second session. It began at 11.30 a.m.  The theme was “Youth Towards Transformation of the Self and Society”. He spoke about how to make use of the opportunities that come our way.

After the lunch break at 1.00 p.m., the third session was animated by Fr. Jude Arul Anand, former Regional Youth Director of Karnataka. He is currently the Director of Bosco Nilaya. The session began at 2.00 p.m.  The topic was “ Don Bosco: The Friend of Youth”. During this session he enthusiastically explained who Don Bosco was to the youth.

The elections for the new leaders was held at 3.00 p.m.  Fr. Uday Kumar started the election process with the assistance of Fr. Arun George (Youth Animator of  DB Hospet).

The following leaders were elected:

President                                 : Helen Shweta

General Secretary                    : Kiran A

Finance Secretary                    : Marshal M

Cultural Secretary                   : Sanal Johns

Sports Secretary                      : Dominic Anthony

Spiritual Secretary                   : Alisha Starly

Social Service Secretary          : Chelsia Mary

Media Secretary                      : Harshith Immanuel

SYM- Representative             : Supriya Y

The programme concluded at 4.00 p.m. with tea.

General Secretary

Kiran A

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