Local Youth Service Delegates’ Meeting Held at Don Bosco Provincial House, Bangalore

The Local Youth Service Delegates’ Meeting was successfully held at the Don Bosco Provincial House in Bangalore. The two-day event gathered youth delegates from various regions to discuss and strategize on enhancing youth ministry.

The meeting commenced on Saturday, June 22nd at 9:15 am with an inauguration by Rev. Fr. Provincial. This was followed by a session on “Enhancing Youth Ministry” led by Fr. Varghese Kapplikunnel at 9:30 am. A coffee break at 10:30 am provided delegates with an opportunity to network and discuss ideas informally.

At 11:00 am, Fr. Uday Kumar led a discussion on the Province Youth Policy, highlighting key areas for improvement. The afternoon sessions included an in-depth discussion on the challenges and opportunities within the youth ministry sector, followed by a review of the past year’s activities. The day concluded with a tea break at 4:00 pm.

On Sunday, June 23rd, the day began with a Mass at 7:00 am, providing a spiritual start. Information on SPCSA-level programs and the bicentenary celebration of Don Bosco’s dream was shared at 9:00 am, followed by the preparation of the annual plan at various levels. The presentation of the annual plans took place at 2:30 pm, and the meeting concluded with a final session at 3:30 pm.

The event was noted for its productive discussions and meaningful exchanges, with thanks extended to all rectors who sent their delegates for this significant program.

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