The meeting of school Managers’ and Principals of INK held on 12 & 13 August 2023 at the Provincial House, Banagalore, started with an inspirational prayer song and words of welcome by the Rev. Fr. Sebastian Kudackat SDB, the Rector. The Programme was inaugurated by lighting the Lamp by Rev. Fr. Jose Koyickal SDB, the provincial, in the presence of other dignitaries. In his animation talk, Rev. Fr. Provincial spoke to the participants regarding lay collaboration in our Salesian mission and the urgent need to design ways and means to introduce the same. They should become not a threat but collaborators in our mission. Fr. Babu Manissery SDB, the coordinator for school commission, presented a short and crisp report on the situation of schools in the province. It was followed by the common discussion about the school matters in the presence of the provincial, vice provincial and economer. It was deliberated and decided that Don Bosco Schools will become schools of excellence and centers of quality education. We shall also have certain common practices with regard to school uniforms and sale of school supplies. Schools can resort to a common vendor who will sell the products to students with their bill. Contribution given by the vendors will be pooled in common for the developmental works of our schools. A school manual will be brought out under the leadership and guidance of the school commission within a year time. We shall also begin to use a common e mail and phone number for all the official communications by our principals and managers. All our schools will undergo a quality test within a year or two using the assessment tool ‘Edustar”.

‘ULIPSU’, a Bangalore based company, presented India’s First Multi Skill Platform for Schools. It was followed by a presentation by the Music Academy and the Sports Academy. The second day of the meeting started with the holy eucharist animated by Rev. Fr. Shalbin Kalencherry SDB, the vice provincial. At 09:00 am Rev. Fr. Francis M Peter S. J, presented topics on ‘Effective School Management in the context of NEP 2020’. These sessions were highly appreciated by the participants.

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