No more punching, only pagarbook @Don Bosco IGACT

No covid can deter the determination of the staff and management at Don Bosco IGACT. When punching to mark the attendance became a difficulty due to covid, the very innovative Don Bosco IGACT introduced PAGARBOOK. It is a location-enabled app introduced to mark attendance with the help of face identification through a mobile handset. The staff at IGACT could use either their personal handsets or the common sets kept at their workplaces. The marked attendance is later approved from the main office at the press. Besides the facility for marking attendance, the employees could avail their salary slip and check the status of their pay, etc. The introduction of the PAGARBOOK is an added feather to the fully automated and computerized management system at IGACT. The full credit for all these goes to Bro. Shaji, the manager of the press who has always shown the resilience to tide over any crisis and come out with innovative ideas and creative interventions.

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