Don Bosco Pavur strives towards the integral empowerment of the people through education, health care and green revolution
  • Diocese of Mangalore
  • Establishment Year 1996

The Church in Pavur was begun in 1912, when Father Alexander Camisa, S.J., an Italian missionary, settled a group of Koragas, a backward and nomadic tribe, on 308 acres of land obtained from the then Madras Government. Over the years they continued to remain backward, isolated and exploited, with no development ever. Their homes were made of mud walls and thatched roofs, with no running water and no electricity. With little employment, alcoholism was rampant among men and women alike. Literacy was at a very poor level, and though they are gifted people in many fields, not a single one in their colony was a graduate. Their future seemed bleak and hopeless.

The Salesians took up residence in Pavur in 1997. At present, there are 118 Catholic families in the parish, of which 106 are Koraga families and 12 Konkani-speaking. In 5 years of Salesian presence and work a tremendous change has come over Pavur and the Koragas. The entire property has been fenced, 94 RCC houses have been built and 64 houses have been provided with solar lighting. A Lower Primary School has been built, and the area of the school walled and levelled. A small shopping centre has been put up, and a wayside chapel constructed. All this has given the Koragas a new enthusiasm and confidence in themselves.

The education of children has been given priority, and a hostel each for boys and girls has been built to ensure a better all-around training. Besides some children are sent to good schools away from Pavur and a few are placed in hostels run by religious. This is an exposure programme of the Institute. It gives them an opportunity to mingle with other categories of students of their age. A new CBSE school has been started in Manjeshwar to address the educational requirements of the people.

Our Activities

Don Bosco
Hosabettu Hill, Manjeshwar Post
Kasargod – 671323

(04998) 275219 (House)

(04998) 274688 (School)

(04998) 272355 (Parish)

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