Perpetual Profession of Five Clerics at Don Bosco Bhavan Mannuthy

A Definite “Yes” to the Lord

Five brothers of the Salesian province of Bangalore made the their perpetual Profession at Don Bosco Bhavan Mannuthy, the cradle of the many salesian vocations. The ceremony was witnessed by a good number priests and brothers of the province as well as the parents and relatives of the brothers. Fr. Jose Koyickal, the provincial presided over the Holy Eucharist and received the profession in the name of the Rector Major of the Salesian society. Fr. Tom Kuzhippala preached the homily and reminded each one about the need of sacrifices in order to attain Christian Perfection with a special note on the holiness of life. On behalf of the perpetually brothers, Bro. Nibin thanked all those who formed them in their path of formation, those who went out of their way to make the ceremony meaningful and sacred and the entire congregation gathered there. The Profession was followed by a meal of agape around 1’o clock.

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