Perpetual Profession of Four Salesian Brothers in Tumkur

On May 23, 2024, at 10:00 AM, the Salesian Province of Bangalore witnessed a momentous occasion as four brothers made their perpetual profession in a solemn ceremony presided over by Rev. Fr. Jose Thomas Koyickal. The event, held at the Salesian community in Tumkur, Karnataka, marked a significant milestone in the lives of Cl. Amaldass Arockiavimalraj SDB, Cl. Mangalashery Sovin George SDB, Cl. James Jaison SDB, and Cl. Chinnappa John Prajwal SDB.

The perpetual profession signifies a lifelong commitment to the Salesian way of life, following the charism of St. John Bosco. The ceremony was attended by numerous members of the Salesian community, family, friends, and well-wishers who gathered to celebrate and support the brothers as they dedicated themselves fully to their vocation.

Rev. Fr. Koyickal, in his homily, emphasized the importance of perseverance, faith, and dedication in the life of a Salesian. He praised the four brothers for their commitment and encouraged them to continue serving with love and zeal, especially in their mission to educate and uplift the young.

The atmosphere was filled with joy and solemnity as the brothers professed their vows, marking the culmination of years of formation and discernment. The event concluded with a festive gathering, allowing attendees to congratulate the newly professed brothers and celebrate their dedication to a life of service and devotion.

This perpetual profession ceremony stands as a testament to the enduring spirit and mission of the Salesian community in Bangalore, inspiring many to follow in the footsteps of these dedicated individuals.

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