Do Not Oppress! (Zech 7:10)

Author: Shabu Joseph Thottumkal sdb

Publisher: KJC Publication

Published: 2016

ISBN: 9788187370987

Price: 400

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This well-researched study takes up a prominent issue from the Bible: the Widow, the Orphan, the Poor and the Sojourner, and through the prism of the Prophet Zechariah offers an in-depth analysis of the entire historical background and the position allocated to the poor and the disenfranchised in the Ancient Near East and Israel. The study establishes that a society may be considered to have reached the zenith of its glory only to the extent to which protective legislations are enacted which safeguard the rights of the widows, orphans and the poor. Given our present-day circumstances, this study is very relevant in the context of the greedy becoming greedier and the needy becoming needier. Through an insightful blend of sound biblical scholarship and theological nuancing, the author confronts the challenges posed by social marginalization in Post-exilic Israel and the wonderful paradigm set by YHWH for the exercise of social justice – GOD Himself!”
– Rt. Rev. Theodore Mascarenhas D.D. (Auxiliary Bishop of Ranchi)

“Fr Shabu Joseph has made a valuable contribution to an exegesis which is both scientifically sound and meaningfully contextualized. It will be of interest to both the exegete looking for solid analysis of the biblical text and context and to the Bible reader looking for inspiration from the prophetical message”.
– Professor Lucien Legrand MEP (St Peter’s Pontifical Institute)