Know the Bible

Author: Charles Panackel sdb

Publisher: KJC Publication

Published: 2016

ISBN: 9788187370963

Price: 250

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About the Book
Know the Bible is a Scriptural bonanza that offers a holistic yet concise presentation of each of the seventy-three books of the Bible to enrich the reader with the cutting-edge know-how to interpret the Bible critically as per Catholic tradition.

Know the Bible is a sizzling invitation to enter upon a millennial journey “from Genesis to Apocalypse,” to traverse ancient epochs in the company of Biblical characters and to relive the nodal points of Jewish and Christian salvation history.

Know the Bible is the latest and the best, a truly comprehensive and indigenous Introduction to the Bible to appear in the Indian/Asian Market in more than two decades, opening a mine of golden nuggets to every lover of God’s word.

Fr. Charles’ book will definitely prove to be a handy and timely tool to know the milieu and to interpret the text of every book of the Bible. The author has masterfully crafted together recent Biblical scholarship, avoiding the technical. It will prove to be an excellent handbook for teaching in every centre of Christian studies and for the personal use of every lover of God’s word.
– + Devadass Ambrose (Bishop of Thanjavur)

Know the Bible displays the artful merge of the author’s rich teaching experience with his biblical expertise. His work is an excellent introductory textbook that offers a comprehensive and holistic view of the Bible. I strongly recommend it to all, especially to all seminarians and religious.
– + J. Susaimanickam (Bishop of Sivagangai)

Fr. Charles Panackel has given us a comprehensive and well-written introduction to a careful, critical, but faith-filled reading of the Word of God. I trust that this book will reach beyond the walls of seminaries, and touch all Christian traditions that look to the Word of God, found in the Bible, for their inspiration. .
– Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney, SDB (Australian Catholic University)