Speak, Lord!

Author: Charles Panackel sdb

Publisher: KJC Publication

Published: 2016

ISBN: 9788187370956

Price: 200

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As the fruit of an inordinately long and labyrinthine textual history that spans many centuries and reflects divergent cultures, the sacred corpus of the Bible legitimately demands sound and cogent answers to the plethora of queries from critical and perceptive readers.
“Speak, Lord!” is a humble response to meet this felt need, an attempt to delve into the intricate divine-human text, to provide the necessary up-to-date information towards greater Bible know-how and life-in-the-Spirit-empowerment.
May this mosaic of fifteen articles, spun with the latest and best threads of biblical information, knitted in the Catholic matrix and synthetically presented, serve towards greater biblical literacy among all the sincere seekers of the Truth, particularly Catholic priests, seminarians, men and women religious and the lay faithful!