Women as Eyewitness to Christian Kerygma

Author: Virginia Rajakumari Sandiyagu SAB

Publisher: Kristu Jyoti Research Series

Published: 2017

ISBN: 9788193374504

Price: 450

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In this meticulously-researched and persuasively-argued book entitled; Women as Eyewitnesses to Christian Kerygma, Virginia Rajakumari Sandiyagu contends that the Synoptics, and especially St. Luke, present women as eyewitnesses to the Christian Kerygma. Although in the redaction of Luke the women of Galilee are introduced as disciples and benefactresses, Luke subtly leads the reader to recognize them as eyewitnesses to the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Luke has presented them as being present in the first Christian community forming a bridge between the story of Jesus and the story of the Church. They are part of the community that received the Spirit entitling them to prophesy and proclaim the