Revamping Process begins for Salesian Cooperators

After a hiatus due to COVID-19, the coordinators and delegates of Salesian cooperators of the Province of Bangalore gathered at Don Bosco, Vaduthala, on July 9, 2022. The meeting aimed to assess the identity and roles of the cooperators over the past three years and to plan to take them forward with renewed vitality and clarity.

Mr C.J. Joseph, the Province Coordinator, organized the meeting along with Fr. Gilbert Choondal SDB, the Province Delegate. Around 35 People, which included local Centre coordinators, SDB & FMA delegates and Province Council members from Kerala and Karnataka, participated in the meeting.

“Revisiting the identity and roles of cooperators is a necessity at this moment in time since we need to revitalize centres and bring some common policies to revamp our lives as Salesians with one mission as a Salesian Family,” said Fr. Gilbert in his keynote address on “Revisiting Identity and Roles of Salesian Cooperators.”

Mr. Antuvan, the World Councillor, spoke on the governance of the Salesian cooperators in local Centres and at the Provincial Council level. Each local Centre shared details about the past and present status of their centres.

With the upcoming elections at the local and Provincial Council level, the focus will be on a renewed identity and roles, with plans for training delegates and coordinators. Aspirants and young recruits will be encouraged in the coming months with a specific formation charted out for the purpose. The day ended with the meeting of the Provincial Council.

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