Salesian Brother: A Genial Creation of Don Bosco

Mannuthy:  With immense joy and gratitude to God, the campus of Don Bosco Bhavan Mannuthy witnessed the Perpetual Profession of Rev. Br. Paruvanadiyil Bijo sdb to brotherhood. The Perpetual Profession took place during the solemn Holy Eucharist at 10. am presided over by Rev. Fr. Jose Thomas Koyickal sdb, the Provincial of Sacred Heart Province of Bangalore. Father Provincial emphasized the vital role played by the Coadjutor Brothers in the Salesian Congregation and invited the faithful to pray for Br. Bijo as he sails his life as a Salesian Brother. Father further congratulated him for taking this bold step and thanked the parents for giving Br. Bijo to the Salesian Congregation. Fr. Edamanayil Cyril sdb preached the homily by dwelling on the aspect “Salesian Brother: A Genial Creation of Don Bosco”.

The presence of Fr. Shalbin Kalanchery sdb, the Vice provincial, Fr. Thomas Tharayil sdb, the Novice Master of Br. Bijo embellished the occasion. over hundred and fifty people gathered around the Perpetually Professed on his day of commitment.  The solemn Holy Eucharist was followed by a felicitating function.  The Cultural Extravaganza performed by the aspirants added more colours to the day. The entire programme was concluded with the solemn lunch. The congregation prayed and wished the perpetually professed God’s choicest blessings in his ministry.

Report by Bro. Austin Pulimoottil SDB

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