Salesian Family reflects on Preventive System; Initiates to relaunch for the times

The heads of nine Salesian Family groups in the Province of Bangalore met at Don Bosco Provincial House on August 26 to reflect and relaunch the Preventive System in the Salesian Educational settings of the Salesian Family. There were twelve participants from different groups of the Salesian Family.
Father Jose Koyickal SDB, the Provincial of Bangalore Province, addressed the need to be more visible as a family. He also reminded them to advocate the Preventive System among the educators of the Salesian Family.

The main two sessions were “Preventive System as Positive Pedagogy” and “Role of Educators in the Context of Artificial Intelligence.” Father Gilbert SDB, the delegate of the Salesian Family, introduced the relevance of the Preventive System in the present times, especially in the multi-religious contexts, popular psychology and educational psychology. Father Yesudass SDB, a professor at Don Bosco College, presented the role of AI in the classroom and how AI can be helpful and harmful at times. The participants decided to take the topic to all the teachers and catechists of the Salesian family in Kerala and Karnataka.

The participants constituted a core group for the Salesian Family with a five-member team from the delegates of SDB, FMA, MSMHC, ASC and Past Pupils. The meeting also proposed all the groups in the Salesian Family appoint someone as the delegate of the Salesian Family as a point of reference. The core group was assigned to plan and implement the activities of the Salesian Family for the coming years.

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