The 15th Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Province of Bangalore was inaugurated on 24th April 2022 at Kristu Jyoti College Bangalore. The celebration of PC 15 commenced at 9.00 am at KJC auditorium. The members were set in mood with a soul soothing prayer dance by the catechism children of Lourdu Nagara Parish. Fr. Shalbin Kalanchery, the Vice Provincial welcomed the gathering. Fr, Jose Koyickal. the provincial began his inaugural address invoking the presence of Holy Spirit. He expressed his joy and gratitude at the presence of Salesian Family members for the inaugural function. He invited the chapter members to see the chapter as God’s call to introspect and see what kind of Salesians are we to be for the youth of today.  Fr. T.C. George, the moderator handed over the chapter kit, which he preferred to call as PC 15 Synodal Bag, as the contents of the bag are contributed by different communities of the province. Receiving the PC 15 Synodal Bag, Fr. Provincial declared open PC 15. This was followed by the lighting of the chapter lamp placed before the image of Don Bosco, by the moderator.  Sr. Tessy Joseph, the provincial of MSMHC, felicitated the gathering. She exhorted the members to modify and find answers for the age old question ‘who am I ?’  to For Whom Am I? Sr. Helsa, the Vice Provincial of SMI in her words of felicitation invited the members to be creative and daring in actualising the Salesian charism. Sr. Molly Joseph, the novice mistress of FMA Bangalore Province, represented the FMA provincial and the team. She stressed on the Synodality among the Salesian family members.  Mr. Glen, president of Don Bosco Alumni, spoke of the ever growing relevance of Salesian charism in the contemporary world of disruption. Mr. John Bosco representing ADMA, promised prayerful support of the association during the days of the celebration of the chapter. The diseased confreres of the province were remembered with gratitude as the Province commences the very important activity of the province. Fr. Joy Neduparambil, the economer of the province proposed the vote of thanks for the inaugural ceremony.

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