Social Service Guild of Kristu Jyoti College organizes Children’s Day Celebration

        On Nov 13, 2022, the Social Service Guild of Kristu Jyoti College, in association with BREADS Bengaluru, organized and celebrated Children’s Day on its premises. The day began with the children coming to KJC from the 10 villages, where KJC has centres for outreach and daily tuition.

           The Lake Montfort School lent their school buses to pick up the children from the various villages and bring them to KJC. The children were given a welcome drink and snack during which they also completed their registration. The brothers of first-year theology, novices of Saint Anne’s of Bengaluru, Ursuline novices, KJC Youth and Youngsters from Rotaract Club of Shishu Mandir helped in the overall organization of the day.

           The inaugural session began with a prayer dance by the children of T C Palya following which, the Chief Guest, Rev. Sr. Maria Rajeshwari FMA, Vice-Principal of Auxilium School, Avalahalli, Rev. Fr. Bosco Ponthokkan, Rector of KJC, Fr. P. I. Thomas, Professor of KJC, Fr. Sunil Jose, Co-ordinator of the Department of Philosophy and Secretary of SSG, along with the representatives of the children, brothers and teachers lit diyas before a beautifully decorated portrait of Pandit Nehru. 

The inauguration was followed by a welcome and felicitation address by Fr. Sunil, Fr. Bosco Ponthokkan and Fr. P I Thomas who greeted the gathering and encouraged the children to be the change that they desire to see in society, echoing the words of Mahatma Gandhi. After this, Rev. Sr. Maria Rajeshwari FMA, during her talk to the children, emphasized the need to have a clear goal and the determination to pursue it.

After her riveting talk, the children from the various villages showcased their talents through different types of dances ranging from traditional dance forms to folk and hip-hop. The children themselves helmed the role of MCs for the day’s programme. The final dance item was performed by the first-year brothers of theology which was welcomed with a rousing response from the children that reverberated throughout their entire performance. 

After the dance performances, the children were provided with a sumptuous lunch prepared by Ms. Lucia Rani, staff SSG, in collaboration with the brothers. Mr. Joseph Santhosh Kumar—from JMR Infotech, Chief Manager – HR — an avid photographer whose photos are regularly been displayed at Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, covered the event. Fr. Maria Anand was the videographer for the event. 

Post lunch, the children were treated to more than 25 chance games which they participated in with gusto till the end of the day. These games were set up in the classrooms of Kristu Jyoti College. The children were given prizes for all the games that they won. Finally, before they boarded the bus for their respective homes, they were given tea and snacks. “It was an awesome day!”, “We had so much fun!”, “I don’t want to go home!” etc., were the sentiments of the children after a fun-filled Children’s Day celebration at KJC, organized by the SSG.

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