Solar energy brightens Don Bosco Mysore

The community of Don Bosco Mysore installed new solar panels and invertors. On 23rd of January Rev. Fr. Mathew the Rector of the community blessed and inaugurated the solar project. This Project is one of the unique one as it is done without any hired labourers. The whole plant was installed by Rev. Fr. Tom Uzunnalil with the help of the Pre-novices and the staff.

The second fact that makes this solar plant unique is the way in which it is done. There are three invertors and chargers which simultaneously charge eight batteries and also produce the current. The whole solar plant is capable of producing twelve kilo watt current. Apart from the solar energy, the community is also able to access the energy provided by the state electricity board and by the electricity generator, in case of emergency.

The community acknowledges and remembers all those who supported and helped in this venture especially the benefactors and BREADS organisation.

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